"My chopstick case" for your VIP customers
With the support of restaurants like yours, you can not only contribute to the achievement of the global movement of SDGs, but also more importantly, appeal to your customers a clean and positive image of being engaged in social contribution activities. In addition, this will help you to lead to the following profits.
Nowadays, SDGs are being actively pursued all over the world, and it seems that everyone is often hearing the term SDGs these days.
Not only large companies but also small and medium-sized companies such as privately-owned restaurants show the active efforts of SDGs to the market, which leads to the enhancement of the brand power of companies and stores.
Many people have already taken actions as individuals in some way. When thinking about what the restaurant business can do, the number of stores have stopped using disposable chopsticks and start using PU or stainless-steel chopsticks instead.
According to a questionnaire survey by ASMARQ, 33.1% of the respondents said that they "very appreciate" for restaurants that use eco-chopsticks. Moreover, 44.7%! said “appreciated” and nearly 80% have a positive evaluation.
However, although this action has led to long-term cost reductions for your business, we believe you have not reached the point where you are proud to announce it to our customers and says, "We are contributing to the SDGs!”
So? Why don’t you use this social contribution as one of the marketing tools to improve sales!

Improve the brand power and image
As mentioned above, corporate social contributions create a positive image and lead to an increase in brand power. After the introduction, we strongly recommend to show this contribution on the homepage and post on your SNS. We are confident that the customers who used this service will happily post it on their SNS and that will accelerate the improvement of your company's image

Improve customer satisfaction
☛ Just by taking a little effort to set the table with【My Chopstick Set】for customers who have made reservations, it will give the customer a great first impression and surprise when they are first seated.
☛ Feeling of one & only (the chopstick set only for that particular customer) leads to the impression that he/she is receiving VIP treatment.
☛ Customers themselves can show their friends and business partners (who are dining together) that they are contributing to the SDGs.
☛ If the other customers who are dining together like the idea and want to join with this SDGs contribution, the circle will expand steadily. (☛ It will also improve your restaurant's sales)
☛ 事前予約をいただいているお客様のテーブルセッティングにちょっとしたひと手間をかけ、着席時に驚きと感動を与える。
☛ ワン&オンリー(そのお客様だけのカトラリーセット)という特別感はVIP待遇を受けているという感動につながります。
☛ お客様自身もSDGsに貢献しているというイメージを、同席する友人やビジネスの相手に示すことができます。
☛ そして同席したお客様もこのSDGs貢献に賛同したいと思っていただければその輪がどんどん広がっていきます。(☛御社の売り上げの向上にもつながります)

Improve the number of regular customers
By providing【My Chopstick Set】, you can instill a strong image of "A restaurant that has my cutlery set = your restaurant".

Produce unforgettable dining experience
☛ Japanese food in particular, it is said that “Tableware is a part of the dishes” It is a pity to have your wonderful dishes with disposal chopsticks. By giving a choice of chopstick to newly purchasing customers, it will produce more special feeling which leads wot more enjoyable dining experience.
☛ Please check out our 【My Chopstick Set】We offer original genuine Japanese style my chopsticks case. As you can see in the photo image, it is ideal for producing a pure Japanese feeling at your restaurant. Japanese food in particular, it is said that “Tableware is a part of the dishes” It is a pity to have your wonderful dishes with disposal chopsticks. By giving a choice of chopstick to newly purchasing customers, it will produce more special feeling which leads wot more enjoyable dining experience.
☛ 特に和食においては『器も料理の一部』とされています。割りばしや業務用のPU製箸では、せっかくの素敵な料理がもったいない。お客様にご使用いただくお箸も提供する料理、至ってはダイニングエクスペリエンスの演出の1つとなります。
☛ プレゼント等で使用せず、お客様にご購入いただく場合は、お客さんにお好みのお箸をお選びいただくことで、特別感をさらに演出することができます。
☛ お箸だけでは寂しい、既存の箸袋を使うにもサイズや色合いがマッチしないというご不満があったり、その箸袋も使い捨てのものを使用してしまっているという店舗様も多いのではないでしょうか?そこで、弊社はオリジナルの純和風マイ箸ケースをご提供します。写真イメージのとおり、純和風のイメージを演出するのに最適です。
How to used and take advantages of this product?
How to used and take advantages of this product?
It is totally up to the restaurant owner to choose how to offer this product to the customers, but the followings are our suggestions.
1. As a gift to your customers (Birthday, Anniversary, etc)
2. As a gift exclusively to your VIP customers
3. As a tool to create new regulars
(try to upsell this item to customers by explaining your contribution to SDGs!)
1. シンプルに記念日や誕生日などの際、お客様にプレゼント
2. 既存の常連の上顧客のみにプレゼント
3. お客様にSDGsの取り組みとして紹介した上、販売し、レギュラー客につなげる
私共がすすめるMy Chopstick at My Restaurantの企画から生み出される御社への利益を最大限にするために、可能な限りお客様専用のお箸とこのお箸ケースをレストランにキープしていただくことをお勧めさせていただいております。
Made-To-Order Product 受注生産商品
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