3 ranks of obi fabrics available at obico

ultimate | premium | standard

松・竹・梅 の3ランクの帯地のご紹介

Classification rules by obico

obico's own standard

The obi fabrics selected by obico are ranked according to our own standards under the supervision of the holders of the certification of the Japan Kimono Association, taking into consideration the following factors comprehensively.

Please consider it as our own subjective guide only. Therefore, please be aware that there may be differences from the standards by others.

We only select top 3 classes of obi fabrics below for our ranges, and named them as
S-class=Ultimate rank, A-class=Premium rank and B-class=Standard rank.

Unused, unopened, or unused items that have not been used for a long time. Otherwise, although it is second-hand, it has only been used a few times and has no scratches or stains.

Used item with no noticeable scratches or stains. There are scratches and dirt on the level that you cannot see unless you look closely.

There are scratches at a level that can be seen as used.

There are scratches and stains that can be seen at a glance.

There are large scratches and stains that can be seen at a glance.

Pure silk > Hemp > Cotton > Wool > Others

Maru-obi > Fukuro-obi > Nagoya-obi > Kyou-obi > Hassun-Nagoya-obi > Kobukuro-hanhaba-obi > Hitoe-hanhaba-obi > Others

【Production method】
Woven obi > Dyed obi

【Classes of the kimono to match】
First formal kimono (Shiromuku|Irouchikake|Kurotomesode|Irofurisode|Furisode)
Second formal kimono (Houmongi|Tsukesage|Iromuji|Omeshi)
Casual kimono (Edokomon|Komon|Tsumugi|Yukata)

【Classed of the patterns】
Yusoku-patterns|Shosoin patterns|Meibutugire patterns| etc

【Quality and Quantity of Gold and Silver silk thread】