縞 -Stripe-
横縞、縦縞、格子縞など、組み合わせ方や形状を変えさまざまに表現される文様。室町時代から江戸時代にかけて輸入された縦縞の布地「間道」がきっかけとなり、文様として用いられるようになりました。南方諸島産の木綿に縦縞のものがあり「島」の字が用いられていましたが、 江戸時代に国産の木綿縞が粋だと大流行し、「縞」の字が当てられるようになったといわれています。
The pattern you're describing is known as "Shima" (縞), which refers to stripes or stripe patterns. This motif comes in various forms, such as horizontal stripes (横縞), vertical stripes (縦縞), and checkered stripes (格子縞), and it has been expressed in different combinations and shapes. The term "Shima" originated during the Edo period when vertically striped fabric called "Kannōu" was imported and gained popularity. Although initially referring to imported cotton with vertical stripes from the southern islands, the locally produced cotton stripes became fashionable, leading to the adoption of the character "縞" to represent this pattern.
Obi fabrics with this Japanese pattern from the obico selection