扇 -Folding fan-
The fan, symbolizing prosperity and good fortune due to its spreading shape when opened, has been considered to possess the power to invoke divine spirits. Despite being a common household item, it has played an essential role in various traditional performing arts such as Kagura, Noh, and Dengaku. The depiction of fans as patterns began in the Muromachi and Momoyama periods, showcasing not only open fans but also closed or half-open ones, offering diverse representations.
扇面 -Folding fan surface-
What makes fan patterns enjoyable is the ability to depict various motifs when opened. Although there aren't strict rules for categorization, designs featuring seasonal flowers, animals, tools, everyday objects, geometric patterns, etc., within the fan are often referred to as "Ōgi Men" or "扇面文様."
檜扇 -Wooden folding fan-
The motif of this pattern is the hinoki-uchiwa, a wooden fan that originated from the Heian period. This type of fan, used as an accessory by aristocratic men, features a graceful appearance with long decorative cords on both sides. It is often incorporated into formal attire such as furisode, houmongi, and fukuro obi.
地紙 -Folding fan paper-
"Jigami" refers to the paper attached to a fan. Appreciating its beautiful shape, it has been used not only as a part of the fan but also as a auspicious pattern on Noh costumes and kosode. While it's common to find motifs of plants and tools, designs that take advantage of the shape are also prevalent.
Obi fabrics with this Japanese pattern from the obico selection